By Preshias Harris
Sold-out concert follows turkey fry
Tracy Lawrence is a country star with a big heart. On Tuesday, November 26, Tracy and an army of volunteers took over the parking lot at the Nashville Rescue Mission where they were deep-frying hundreds of turkeys in row upon row of propane-fueled turkey fryers.

It was part of his 14th annual Mission Possible that has served over 84,000 meals to the homeless and hungry in Nashville, Tennessee, and also in Dallas, Texas, and Louisville, Kentucky. Mission Possible also raises money (more than $500,000 so far) to help the homeless and hungry.
It was part of his 14th annual Mission Possible that has served over 84,000 meals to the homeless and hungry in Nashville, Tennessee, and also in Dallas, Texas, and Louisville, Kentucky. Mission Possible also raises money (more than $500,000 so far) to help the homeless and hungry.
Stars join Tracy for Wildhorse fundraiser

After the final turkey was fried to perfection, Tracy was going over to Nashville’s Wildhorse Saloon for the (sold out) Mission Possible Charity Concert. In addition to Tracy Lawrence, fans were treated to performances by Tracy’s friends Justin Moore, Rhett Akins, Clay Walker and the band Halfway to Hazard.
I caught up with Tracy as he was frying yet another turkey. The weather was fine this year, cool but sunny; ideal weather for deep-frying hundreds of turkeys outdoors. I asked Tracy about previous years when the weather hadn’t been so good. “I don’t remember the year, but it was raining and sleet and cold,” he said. “It was probably down [near freezing]. It was absolutely miserable! It was one of the worst ones! But we still had lots of volunteers. Everybody was still here, nobody turned away. But this is a good day today.”
He turned to look at the Nashville Rescue Mission. “I love this place,” he said. “I’ve made a lot of great friends here. This is such a special event for them. It’s grown to be like their Super Bowl every year.”