Royalties being distributed to copyright owners

Copyright owners – publishers and songwriters — can celebrate this month. The Mechanical Licensing Collective (MLC) made its first regular payment distribution to publishers in April, according to a statement by Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI).
The statement said: “NSAI is proud of our involvement in crafting and passing the Music Modernization Act, which created the MLC and streamlined the way digital mechanical licenses are issued and royalties distributed. This distribution marks a historic moment in music history and we look forward to the continued success of the MLC in matching copyright owners to digital usage while providing transparency and stability in the digital mechanical landscape.”
The distribution included royalties from the use of musical works by U.S. digital service providers (DSPs) during January 2021. It did not include any historical unmatched royalties, according to a statement at the MLC website.
Becoming a Member of The MLC is easy and free! To learn more about being a self-administered songwriter Member, click here.
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