“Now We’re Gettin’ Somewhere” new single from upcoming album
When you meet most singer-songwriters, you discover they have a ‘day job,’ at least at the start of their music careers. Maybe they are restaurant servers or they are delivering pizzas. James Robert Webb has a day job and he has no intention of giving that up. He is a doctor with a medical practice in his home state of Oklahoma, as well as a blossoming recording career and a new album being produced in Nashville. As he told me during our interview (below), “I can’t abandon my patients.” His hashtags say it clearly: #DoctorByDay #SingerAtSundown

The upcoming album and the first single from the album, ‘Now We’re Gettin’ Somewhere,’ are under the direction of Grammy-winning producer Buddy Cannon. The single is now available everywhere on digital platforms. I recently met up with James Robert Webb to talk about his life and music.
Preshias Harris: OK, tell us the secret of how you balance a successful medical practice and a successful music career.
James Robert Webb: Sometimes I wonder how well I balance it. The other thing is, I’m a father, too. I’ve got my wife and three kids. The hardest thing for me is to make sure I’m spending enough time with the family, with all the travel and everything. But I don’t do a lot outside of music. My hobbies are all replaced by songwriting.
PH: So, no golf?
Keeping priorities straight
JRW: Exactly! Classically, as a doctor I’m not out playing golf. I’m not going out to Africa and shooting trophy lions or anything like that! [laughs] Most of my free time involves playing somewhere. But for me, it really comes down to having to keep the priorities straight. It might sound egotistical and greedy, but my number one priority is my health and me. Because if I crumble then everything else crumbles after that. Then it has to be my family, and third is my medical practice, because I always have to have that, and I can’t abandon my patients. And after that it’s music. That sounds like a lot of things to do, but you just get up every day and you’ve got to do those things in order.
“My goal is not to go out and be a star and play on stage for fame and glory or whatever. My goal is to create the best music. Music that can stand the test of time. To do the best I can with the gift I’ve been given.” – James Robert Webb
PH: What is one of the hardest things that you have to face in your dual careers?
JRW: It’s being away from my family, away from my kids. We would have moved here to Nashville, but we have a lot of family roots, both sides of the family, back home in Tulsa and Texas. So there’s a lot of support structure there, there’s a lot of people. Plus, my kids are in the age range of fourteen down to eight, so I don’t want to uproot them. But the good this is we have FaceTime, things like that we didn’t have ten or twenty years ago, to see people face to face.
PH: Your single, “Now We’re Getting’ Somewhere,” was released last month. Can you give me some “media tidbits” for what we can expect for your album?
JRW: A media tidbit… well, I’ve got a song I’m cutting by Bob McDill that has never been recorded. I love Bob McDill, he’s in the Hall of Fame. He’s been retired for a number of years.
PH: He’s one of those honest songwriters. Continue reading “James Robert Webb balances music and medical careers”