Scores SEVEN No. 1 songs on Texas radio charts

David Adam Byrnes came to Nashville from his native Arkansas seeking success as a singer-songwriter. But it wasn’t until he left Nashville that he found success.
That success came to him in Texas where it felt “just like a glove that fit perfectly,” as he said, in an interview with me during Country Radio Seminar (CRS) in March. He found a true connection with the culture and the music in the Lone Star State – and an audience that embraced his genuine love of traditional country music.
In the interview, Byrnes told me that, as a songwriter in Nashville, he seemed to be on the edge of success when five songs he had penned were on hold or about to be released by recording artists. But all those potential cuts evaporated, forcing him to reevaluate his career path.
You can read my full interview with David Adam Byrnes at Center Stage Mag here. He talks about how that potential career-end became a golden opportunity with a string of No. 1 hits in Texas and a new album, Keep Up With a Cowgirl. #DavidAdamByrnes

Preshias Harris is an advocate for songwriters and a music career development consultant with the emphasis on new and aspiring artists and songwriters. Her book, ‘The College of Songology 101: The Singer/Songwriter’s Need to Know Reference Handbook’ is available at Follow her blog at @PreshiasHarris #PreshiasHarris